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What We Do Now
Living In Flats Together

What We Do Now is part of a larger project, it is part of the national Culture Collective initiative which sees 26 regional projects around Scotland. The Dumfries and Galloway project is called What We Do Now, it is based in 5 towns in the region and is coordinated by The Stove Network, LIFT D+G were chosen to represent Dumfries with an opportunity to work with 3 amazing artists, we were lucky enough to get Alice, Rosie and Andy. 

In 2019 we did some consultation with local people 'Living in Flat's, we asked how we could make things better. Some ideas were fantastic and we wanted to make sure we could do this so we teamed up with DGHP who are the landlords for the flats in Dunlop Road. As we were setting up this project, Covid hit us and it was put on the back burner. during  2020 The Stove Network approached us with this amazing opportunity and we agreed straight away. The artists working with us have a vast wealth of knowledge and their skillset is out of this world. We love working with them as well as learning knew skills ourselves. Now we had the capacity and abilities to bring this idea to life. The Stove have enabled us to deliver the start of this legacy project and we are loving how popular it is already. The artists are great at connecting to the local people and are building trust with the local residents who are taking part in the project. 

DGHP/Wheatley are also working with us on the project as it is their flats and residents we are engaging with. As we proceed, we will keep updating and we have a few exciting developments coming to the project over the next year.

What We Do Now forms part of the national Culture Collective Programme, coordinated by Creative Scotland with additional support from the Rural Communities Ideas into Action fund (supported by the Scottish Government and delivered by Inspiring Scotland) and South of Scotland Enterprise

Welcome to our ideas for the "The Hut"/Kabin

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This was our first pop up event with residents. We provided Food and crafts for them, It was a 4 hour session in the new pop up tent. 

Our artists have been working with NWCC (NorthWest Community Campus) and the Creative industries class took part in the project by doing self portraits left handed and stain glass making.

It was then added to the Gracefield arts exhibition.

Here is some of their work. 

Updated November 2023

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We are based at YMCA Building on the Lochside road, Lochside.

We also have shops called the Community exchange and the Community Extra on the Lochside road across from McDonalds. 

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